Author: Robin Bielman


Coming September 5th!!

Second Chance Romance? Check

Kick-ass heroine? Check

Hero who is charming, possessive, rich, and knows what he wants? Check

A secret, a surprise, and sexy times? Triple Check

Posted July 17, 2019 by Robin Bielman in Uncategorized / 0 Comments



Happy June!

This is just a quick hello to let you know a few things…

1) I’m doing a book signing at The Ripped Bodice! If you live in the Los Angeles area, I would love for you to stop in. I’m signing with USA Today Bestselling Author, Samanthe Beck, and NYT Bestselling Author, Tessa Bailey! I’ll be signing HEARTTHROB, TALK BRITISH TO ME, and PROMISE ME. An RSVP is appreciated and you must order my books ahead of time so they’ve got them in the store. You can do both those things HERE. Hope to see you there!!




2) Are you on Goodreads? One of my goals this summer is to connect with more readers there. If that sounds good to you, click HERE so we can be friends or you can follow me! And be on the lookout for a giveaway or two from me later this summer.

While you’re there, you’ll make my day if you add my September release SWEET TALKER to your TBR shelf! (Much more on Ethan’s book coming soon!) TY!!



HEARTTHROB is live! This is my mom’s favorite book of mine (yes, she reads all my books!) and I’m so grateful readers are loving Finn and Chloe’s story, too!

“Those other guys? They were just so you’d know what true love feels like—with me.”




Wishing you a wonderful June and start to summer!

xoxo, Robin

Posted June 8, 2019 by Robin Bielman in Uncategorized / 0 Comments


There are buddy cop films where the plot involves two people of different personalities who are forced to work together to defeat the bad guys, sometimes learning from each other in the process. And then there are buddy writers. Two people of comparative personalities who choose to work together to create a story that readers will hopefully love, most definitely learning from each other in the process.

Crockett & Tubbs, Murtaugh & Riggs, Turner & Hooch, Tango & Cash, Thelma & Louise. Okay, T&L weren’t cops, but they were best buds until the very end so for the purposes of this post, we’ll compare it to typing, “The End.” See what we did there? You’re so clever, Sam. No, you’re so clever, Robin.

What we’re trying to say is, we had a kickass time writing this book together. As with any big undertaking, there were good days and bad days. There were rewrites and respites. Coffee fueled most of our writing/brainstorming sessions—we can totally vouch for the power of mochas. And plotting sessions by the seat of our pants ruled our word counts.

We took long walks along the beach to talk through scenes and emotions and characterization and how we pictured Vaughn looking just like model, Andrea Denver. That research was tough. He’s horribly photogenic. And don’t even get us started on his shirtless pics. <insert heart eyes emoji>

Emails flew back and forth on the regular. We learned to compromise and cooperate. We learned to respect each other’s points of view. We learned to stand up for what we really wanted and not sweat the small stuff. When we got stuck, we had the other person to lean on. And when the words flowed, we gave the other person giant cheers and XOs.

This book took shape over months and months of much more than writing sprints and chapter goals, though. Our friendship grew, too. Our respect for the craft. And those things helped make this book what it is. Writing a book is hard. We felt new pangs of pressure because we didn’t want to disappoint each other. But we were also ready to go for it because we had each other’s backs. That’s a glorious feeling.

We collaborated. We conquered. We’re friends till the end. Buddy writers ready to celebrate this victory with food, drink and mani-pedis. And that’s a wrap on Sam and Robin’s first Excellent Writing Adventure.

Thanks for taking the ride with us!


Posted April 15, 2019 by Robin Bielman in Uncategorized / 0 Comments


I’m so excited to share the cover for my upcoming sports romance, HEARTTHROB! This book is special for so many reasons. I’ve wanted to write a pro baseball hero forever and I am so in love with Finn. Baseball has been a big part of my family for a long time, starting when my oldest son was 5 and I signed my husband up to coach him. Since then a lot of happy memories have been made around the sport.

There are other reasons why I love this book, too. Certain lines had me cracking myself up. (Hopefully others will find it funny too.) Certain lines made my heart ache. There’s a puppy. And there’s an incident between the hero and heroine that I took from my real life. ;)

To celebrate the cover reveal, I’m giving away a $10 STARBUCKS GIFT CARD and a MYSTERY SIGNED PAPERBACK!! Hop over to my Facebook page to enter!

The book is up for pre-order on all platforms and will be live on May 7th!!


Posted March 21, 2019 by Robin Bielman in Uncategorized / 0 Comments


I’m so excited to share the cover for PROMISE ME!! I love it so much. And I love this book. And I love my co-author! Release day is April 15th!

Posted March 11, 2019 by Robin Bielman in Uncategorized / 0 Comments