
Welcome to the page where i share extra stuff… about me, my characters, books, happenings, giveaways and whatever else is on my mind at the moment.




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I am so excited for you guys to meet Danny, my hero in THE BEST FRIEND BARGAIN! He holds a very special place in my heart because of who he is and the attention he gives to his best friend, Olivia. *sigh* Here he is, in case you’re wondering what he looks like:

Danny-workingYeah, he works with his hands. Have I mentioned how good he is with them? ;)


To celebrate my new release, Entangled Publishing and IndieSage PR have scheduled a blog tour filled with spotlights, excerpts and reviews. Huge thanks to the bloggers helping spread the word!! To join me (and I hope you will!) click HERE for the schedule.



And while I’m sharing the ab love, here’s a picture of my Navy firefighter hero from FALLING FOR HER BACHELOR. His name is Nick. You should totally bring him home on your eReader. And not just because he looks mouth-watering hot without his shirt on. ;)



When not writing or reading, I love to watch TV.  Current summer favorites are UnReal, Killjoys, Baby Daddy, Mistresses, Power, and Dating Naked. Yeah, I got sucked into that one. Don’t laugh. And I totally cried during the season finale of Outlander. I haven’t read the books, so it’s all new to me, and I am so happy Jamie is alive!



I have been on a big taco kick lately. Like I want to eat them several times a week. And not soft tacos, but the hard-shelled, greasy good ones. Just typing this is making me crave one. lol I’ve also been devouring strawberries. They’ve been really sweet this season! Blended coffee drinks still rank up there, too, but I’m trying to cut back some. I hope you’re enjoying your favorites!